Jin Wang




Date of birth:

Aug. 1975



Political status:

Party member

Education level:



Ph. D

Graduated from:

PLA Ordnance Engineering College /Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Associate professor

Jin Wang (1975.8-), Ph. D, associate professor, master supervisor.

Contact information:

E-mail: wangjin @cug.edu.cn

Office: Room 520, No. 2 Teaching Building

Main experiences:

1993-1997   Bachelor, Department of Electronic Engineering, PLA Ordnance Engineering College

1997-2000   Master, Institute of Electrostatic Technology (Academician Shanghe Liu), PLA Ordnance Engineering College

2000.1-2000.6   Engaged in the research on optic fiber gyroscope in Institute of Optics and Electronics, Beihang University

2000-2006   Ph. D, Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2006-2009   Postdoctoral, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

2014   Visiting scholar, Pennsylvania State University

2009-present   School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information

Main research fields:

1. Optical wireless communication and network

Research on atmospheric laser transmission theory and free space optical communication

Visible light communication and positioning

Optoelectronic devices (SCM, ARM, FPGA and optical sensor) and software (C language, Matlab and professional software) development

2. Development of multispectral environmental monitoring instrument

Water quality monitoring, geological disaster monitoring and human health monitoring based on optoelectronics


1. Jin Wang, Liu Hao. Design of TOFD receiving filter on DSP builder IEEE Far East Forum on Nondestructive Evaluation/Testing (FENDT), 2014.07

2. Jin Wang, Jun Wang. Design of dual-cashed data acquisition system for ultrasonic TOFD. Measurement and Control Technology, 2014.07

3. Jin Wang, Shan Liao. The Design of Hyperbolic Fitting Pointer in TOFD.  
Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics, 2014.5

4. Jin Wang. High-Speed Hybrid-Wavelength Visible Light Communication Systems. The Georgia Institute of Technology Center on Optical Wireless Applications Meeting 2014.11

5. Jin Wang. Optical wireless communication system for well logging data transmission 34th IGC International Geological Congress, 2012.8

6. A Cumulant-Based Adaptive Detection Technique for Optical Wireless Communications Over Strong Turbulence Channels CHINA COMMUNICATIONS 2008 5 (1)

7. Adaptive detection technique for optical wireless communications over strong turbulence channels OPTIK 2007 118-11

8. Adaptive Signal Reception Based on HOS Cumulants in Optical Wireless Communication System over Strong Turbulence. Acta Photonica Sinica, 2007 36 (6)

9. Performance Analysis of the Reception Based on Least-Mean-Square Adaptive Algorithm in Optical Wireless Communication System. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2006 33 (10)

10. Adaptive decision thresholding in optical wireless communication systems over turbulence channels Proceedings of SPIE 2007, 67833V

11. Suppression of turbulence noise based on adaptive filter. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2006, 33 (7)

12. Suppression of turbulence noise based on adaptive filter, Optical Technique, 2006, 32 (5)

Scientific research programs:

[1] Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China

[2] Program supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province

[3] Wuhan Science and Technology Program

[4] Foundation of the University of New Youth

[5] Development Foundation for Innovative Talents of Wuhan City


1. A kind of optical pulse train spectrum stretcher based on highly nonlinear optical fiber, patent for invention, ZL200510018146.X

2. Four-phase modulated optical encoder and decoder, patent for invention, Zl200510018147.4

Concurrent academic posts:

Reviewer of Optical Engineering, IEEE Communications Letters, etc.


[1] Research on optical wireless communication and key devices, Second Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of Hubei Province, 2007

[2] Optical wireless communication system, Third Prize for Progress in Science and Technology of Wuhan City, 2007