Academic Achievements

An Academic Report Delivered by Prof. Lu Jinzhong from Jiangsu University



On October 6, at the invitation of Dean Ding Huafeng, Prof. Lu Jinzhong from Jiangsu University delivered a special academic report entitled “Laser Shock Wave Plastic Deformation Effect, Key Technologies and Typical Engineering Applications”. The presentation was hosted by Prof. Ding Huafeng, and more than 100 teachers and students attended the presentation.

Lu Jinzhong, is the Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University, Executive Director of the first batch of Modern Industrial College under the Ministry of Education, Deputy Director of the National Center for International Research on Structural Health Management of Critical Components, the member of Special Processing Branch of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, and the Editorial Board Member of Journal of “China Surface Engineering”. He has presided over or completed 6 programs, including the National Key Research and Development Program, the general program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Key Research and Development Program of Jiangsu Province. In recent years, he has published more than 120 SCI papers on laser impact strengthening and laser deposition manufacturing processes, macroscopic properties and microstructures in important international journals such as “Int. J. Mach. Tool. Manu. and Addit. Manuf.”, “Acta Mater.”, “Int. J. Plast.”, “Corros. Sci.”, “ACS Appl. Mater. Interface”, with more than 2300 SCI citations, edited and published two academic monographs, and made two invited presentations at international academic conferences and eight session presentations. He has 32 Chinese invention patents and 11 American invention patents, and has won 1 Chinese Patent Gold Award. The research achievements have been awarded 2 first prizes of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award, 1 "CIIF Innovation Leadership Award" of China International Industry Fair, and 1 first prize of China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Award.


The report mainly includes three aspects: (1) study of the recrystallization process driven by shock wave-induced force-thermal conversion to reveal the mechanism of laser-impacted gradient nanostructure formation; (2) establishing the theoretical model of laser oblique impact, inventing the stable water film injection technology, and proposing the impact strengthening methods in narrow spaces such as hidden surfaces, the bottom of the tongue and groove, and blade edge; (3) disclosing the tension compression conversion mechanism of laser shock residual stress, inventing the 3D laser shock integrated manufacturing method for large additive components, and breaking through the laser manufacturing problems of high-end complex components such as blisk, vertical tail beam, shield machine, etc.

Prof. Lu Jinzhong’s presentation is a very professional introduction on laser impact strengthening, which has the characteristics of high performance, low deformation and high flexibility, significantly improves the fatigue life of aerospace components and is also an effective way to remanufacture damaged components.