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Accurate Benchmarking, Promoting Construction in Response to Evaluation, Enhancing Connotation, and Continuous Improvement—A Realistic Report on the Undergraduate Education and Teaching Audit and Evaluation of the School of Mechanical and Electronic Engin



To effectively carry out the undergraduate education and teaching audit and evaluation work in 2024, and to ensure the smooth progress of the college's self-evaluation work, in accordance with the notice issued by the school on April 18, 2024, regarding the preparation of the undergraduate education and teaching audit and evaluation self-evaluation report by the colleges, the college promptly convened a meeting on April 22 in the afternoon to arrange the writing of the audit and evaluation self-evaluation report. The meeting was chaired by Vice Dean Li Bo, in charge of teaching affairs, with the participation of the college's Party Secretary Qu Xianghua, Dean Ding Huafeng, Deputy Secretary Wu Di, directors of various departments, deputy directors of teaching, and heads of functional departments.


At the meeting, Vice Dean Li Bo provided a detailed explanation of the index system for undergraduate education and teaching audit and evaluation, and, based on the template and requirements for writing the "self-evaluation report," assigned detailed tasks to each functional department, and clarified the time nodes for material collection. Participants exchanged views and discussions on report writing based on the situation of the college, reaching consensus on various index systems and target tasks. Dean Ding Huafeng and Party Secretary Qu Xianghua pointed out that undergraduate education is the cornerstone of higher education, and teaching quality is the lifeline of the school's development. All departments should attach great importance to the undergraduate education and teaching audit and evaluation work. The entire faculty and students should work together to form a synergy. Taking the opportunity of writing this self-evaluation report, through audit and evaluation, we can identify problems and shortcomings, formulate targeted improvement measures, improve the quality of education and teaching, and jointly promote the smooth progress of the undergraduate education and teaching audit and evaluation work in our school.

Since the commencement of the undergraduate education and teaching audit and evaluation work by the school, the college party committee and leadership team have attached great importance to it. Based on the "Undergraduate Major Self-Evaluation Implementation Plan" and the "Notice on Carrying out the First Stage of School Undergraduate Major Self-Evaluation," the college has actively carried out the work of self-evaluation and self-construction of majors. Meetings were held to arrange the self-evaluation work, promote the work, conduct internal inspections, external expert reviews, and report meetings on the self-evaluation reports in response to expert opinions, with strict supervision at each stage and active deployment.

On June 29, 2023, a meeting was held to arrange the work of professional self-evaluation in the college. Various majors were mobilized to conduct self-evaluation based on the basic teaching status of their respective majors and the quality standards for undergraduate major construction. Each major was required to complete the first stage of professional self-evaluation and submit the self-evaluation report by August 15.

On July 30, 2023, the college held a meeting to promote the progress of professional self-evaluation work. Each major presented their progress in professional self-evaluation, focusing on the progress of the self-evaluation report and the problems encountered during the writing process.

On December 11, 2023, in response to the feedback from the undergraduate college, a third round of reporting meetings on the self-evaluation reports of various majors was held. The focus was on addressing the opinions of experts and rectifying the problems identified in the self-evaluation reports.

On December 25, 2023, the heads of various majors in the college attended the feedback meeting organized by the school for undergraduate major assessment expert reviews. They carefully absorbed the opinions and suggestions from the experts, and after the meeting, they repeatedly deliberated and improved the plans for major construction.

During the year-end conference of the college in 2023, the college leadership once again emphasized to all faculty members the importance and requirements of undergraduate education and teaching audit and evaluation work. They hoped that all teachers in the college would work together to promote construction in response to evaluation. They viewed the audit and evaluation as an opportunity to strive to improve the college's undergraduate education and teaching standards.