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"The 11th National College Student Mechanical Innovation and Design Competition Hubei Division Comes to a Close, Students from Wuhan University of Technology Achieve Excellent Results."


Recently, the 11th National College Student Mechanical Innovation and Design Competition Hubei Division concluded successfully. Eleven teams selected by the School of Mechanical and Electronic Information Engineering competed alongside 421 entries from 56 universities including Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, and Wuhan University of Technology, in three tracks: "Agricultural Machinery," "Bionic Frog," and "Bionic Butterfly." Ultimately, they achieved outstanding results, winning two first prizes, four second prizes, and five third prizes. Among them, the work "Bionic Butterfly 'Badadian'" successfully entered the national finals.

The National College Student Mechanical Innovation and Design Competition is an important extracurricular competition organized by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education. It is held once every two years. The purpose of the competition is to guide universities to focus on cultivating students' awareness of innovation design, comprehensive design ability, and team spirit in teaching; to strengthen students' practical ability and engineering practice training; to improve students' practical work abilities such as mechanical design and process manufacturing through innovative thinking to meet actual needs; and to attract and encourage students to actively participate in extracurricular scientific and technological activities, creating conditions for outstanding talents to emerge. So far, ten sessions have been successfully held. The theme of the 11th National College Student Mechanical Innovation and Design Competition (2024) is "Mechanical Innovation Promotes Agricultural Modernization, and Nature Harmony Advances towards a New Height of Biomimicry."

The School of Mechanical and Electronic Information Engineering attached great importance to this competition. It started publicity in August 2023 and organized an internal selection competition in January 2024, selecting student teams to represent the school and providing effective guidance. Under the guidance of professional teachers, our students studied hard, actively prepared, continuously optimized and improved their works, and finally achieved gratifying results. The School of Mechanical and Electronic Information Engineering will take this competition as an opportunity to support education with competitions, promote competitions with education, focus on cultivating students' engineering practice ability, innovative design consciousness, and teamwork spirit, and continuously improve the quality of talent training.