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Teachers and Students of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information Discuss the Successful Opening of the 20th National Congress of Communist Party of China


Source: cugjdxy



At 10am on Oct. 16, 2022, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) opened in Beijing. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a report at the opening session on behalf of the 19th CPC Central Committee. The School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information organized representatives of teachers and students to watch the live broadcast in Conference Rooms 301 and 308 of No. 2 Teaching Building, and called on all teachers and students to listen and watch through computers and mobile phones in Party branch, class and league branch, dormitory, laboratory, etc.


After listening to and studying the important report delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping, teachers and students of the School discussed the content of the report and talked about their feelings and experiences through symposia and other forms. They all expressed that they were inspired and encouraged, and would unite more closely around the Party Central Committee, follow the Party, work hard, forge ahead bravely, and work together to advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in all respects, and contribute their wisdom and power to the hot practice of building a new modern socialist power.


Qu Xianghua, Secretary of the Party Committee, said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and Chinese people have become more and more confident in approaching the center of the world stage. The five years since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) are extremely unusual and extraordinary. The Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, has coordinated the overall strategy for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, united and led the whole Party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups to effectively cope with the severe and complex international situation and the enormous risks and challenges that followed, and pushed forward socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with a spirit of vigor and dedication. The successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) made us more deeply feel the bright prospect of national rejuvenation, and also made us deeply aware of the glorious mission and heavy responsibility, and further strengthened our determination and confidence to forge ahead and overcome difficulties under the strong leadership of the Party. We are more aware of the special historical mission and important responsibilities of higher education in the glorious process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ding Huafeng, Dean of the School, said that the Chinese nation in the new era is unprecedentedly close to the center of the world stage. Only independent innovation can make the Chinese nation have core competitiveness and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that “we must resolutely win the battle against key core technologies”. The strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education is to build China into a manufacturing power, a talent power and a science and technology power. The teachers and students of the School of Mechanical Engineering and Electronic Information should resonate with the development of the manufacturing industry of our country at the same frequency, provide talent training support around the major development strategic needs of the country, seize the development opportunities of high-end manufacturing in the new era, further cohere and plan for the future, strive to cultivate the new generation of the times, promote high-quality development, and accelerate the construction of a first-class new engineering school.

Yu Xiaozhou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, said that over the past five years, under the correct leadership of the CPC, the people of all ethnic groups in China have united as one, overcome one difficult challenge after another, and achieved one great achievement after another. As Chinese, we are extremely proud. The report clearly declares what banner, road, state of mind, and goal our Party should take on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects and marching towards the second centenary goal. The grand blueprint outlines a bright prospect for development, which is very encouraging. As university educators in the new era, we should always bear in mind the requirements of “Three Musts” put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping in the report, hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, deeply implement the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, do a good job of educating people, strive to carry out the responsibility of educating people for the Party and the country, cultivate socialist builders and successors who are well-rounded in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development, and make unremitting efforts to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ge Mingfeng, head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, said, “I am heartened and encouraged by the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The General Secretary has always been concerned about the construction of China's education system, and has emphasized the core idea of "running an education to the satisfaction of the people". I am deeply aware of the heavy responsibility on my shoulders. To be a teacher is not only to impart professional knowledge and improve teaching skills, but also to adhere to the original intention of "running education for national rejuvenation and cultivating talents for the prosperity and strength of the country", and implement the fundamental task of cultivating virtues and morality. I will keep in mind the ardent instructions of the General Secretary, cherish the high-quality resources provided by the country and the university, improve my own insight and ability in educational and teaching practice, guide young students to study hard, forge ahead, carry forward the school motto of “hardworking and plain-living, being realistic and pragmatic”, and make contributions to the country and the people where they need most.”

Tao Andong, Director of the Office, said that the CPC, after a hundred years of trials and hardships, overcame the challenges faced in each period and led the Chinese people to a new starting point in today's new era and new journey. Realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation belongs to the unremitting pursuit and struggle of several generations, each generation has its historical task, and we have a common belief that it is for all the people. It is the original intention and mission of all workers in colleges and universities to cultivate new generations who can hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, be confident and self reliant, keep upright and innovative, be resolute and forge ahead bravely.

Li Xiang, a representative of young teachers from the Department of Electronic Information, said, The Party Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, has always attached great importance to the cause of science and technology, and taken self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology as the strategic support for national development. Today, China is in the midst of the world’s momentous changes of a scale unseen in a century, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period. As a university researcher, I will conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, be confident in innovation, work hard, seize the opportunity, speed up the promotion of self-reliance and self-improvement in high-level science and technology, build a strong country through science and technology, strive to create new performances worthy of the Party, the people and the times, and unswervingly promote the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Liu Biao, a counselor, said that the report made by General Secretary Xi Jinping was inspiring. Standing at the new starting point of a new era and a new journey, we should study the spirit of the report, strengthen our historical self-confidence, enhance our historical initiative, achieve the "three musts", and strive to be the first on the track to achieve national rejuvenation. As an ideological and political educator in colleges and universities, we should transform the spirit of the report into concrete actions to do a better job of ideological and political education for students, set off an upsurge of learning, publicity and implementation among young students, stimulate the youth force that always follows the Party and strives for a new era, and guide young students to grow into new people with ideals, abilities and responsibilities on the new journey to achieve the second century goal, In the great cause of promoting Chinese path to modernization, we should find the right target and position, and sprinkle our youth and sweat on the motherland with the attitude of being energetic and resolute.

Liang Changduo, the doctoral representative, said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee has always placed scientific and technological innovation at the core of the overall development of the country, and is committed to accelerating China's progress from a large scientific and technological country to a strong scientific and technological country. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) further strengthened the determination to build a strong scientific and technological country. As a doctoral student, we must keep in mind the mission self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology, and make our contributions to the development of science and technology in China on the new journey.

Li Xiangbo, the representative of the secretaries of the student party branches, said that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) was opened at the critical moment of China's new journey to build a modern socialist country and march towards the second century goal. As a secretary of the graduate student party branch, we should study the spirit of the report in depth, lead the students to be more determined to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, keep up with the pace of the Party, build up faith and forge ahead bravely.

Xing Jianing, deputy student secretary of the Youth League Committee, said that after listening to the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I was very excited. The report drew a grand blueprint for building a modern socialist power. As a cadre of the Communist Youth League, I will unswervingly follow the Party, cast my original aspiration into my heart, integrate my mission into my life, shoulder my responsibilities, strive to grow into a new man of the times who will undertake the important task of national rejuvenation, write a youth chapter worthy of history and the times, and work hard for a new journey in the future.

Wang Shuo, a member of the presidium of the Student Union, said that the call of the times is to set the goal of becoming a powerful country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful at the forefront; and the mission is to shoulder the Chinese Dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the critical moment of marching towards the second century goal, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, which attracted great attention, arrived as scheduled. As a student leader, I will continue to lead students to be the "assistant and reserve force of the Party", strengthen ideological guidance, strengthen theoretical armament, dream as a horse, live up to our youth, keep in mind the sense of purpose, and live up to the great times and the youth with an indomitable spirit and an indomitable attitude of struggle.

Zeng Zijin, a member of the 25th Graduate Education-Assistance Group, said that I was very excited after studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. As a young volunteer and also a member of the 25th Graduate Education-Assistance Group, I will be clearer about my own direction, internalize the spirit of report in my heart and externalize it in my practice, improve my own quality, practice the spirit of volunteer service with my own practical actions, and blossom in the places where my country needs most.

Ye Han, a representative of the secretary of the student league branch, said that from the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party had never changed its original aspiration, led the people to march forward courageously, and carved one magnificent epic after another in the history of the Party. There is a long way to go. The pen of history has fallen into our hands, and the responsibility of the times has fallen on our shoulders. As a secretary of the Youth League branch, I should be more ambitious, expand the vision pattern, practice the original aspiration and mission with practical actions, lead the members of the Youth League branch to hold high the great banner of our predecessors, follow the pace of the Party, inherit the red gene, and interpret our responsibility.

Emati Aisa, the representative of minority students, said that the convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was a new starting point for China's development. Each of us is a witness and participant in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the destiny of the country is closely related to each of us. As ethnic minority college students, we should take our own practical actions to build a strong sense of the Chinese national community. As long as 56 ethnic groups are held together like pomegranate seeds, our country will be stronger and our people will be happier and healthier.

Zheng Xingxin, a representative of new undergraduate students, said, “Lover our Party, and the struggle is just in time. As a freshman, I am very excited and happy to see the convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China shows a bright prospect for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. As a freshman, I will study hard, sweat and contribute my strength, pursue dreams on the new journey and welcome a bright future with full enthusiasm and joy.”

Media Center


Text by Sun Min

Photo by He Li and Liu Yuhao

Edited by Bahar-Guli

Reviewed by Wang Yiyan and Du Yu