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An Academic Report by Xu Gang, A Researcher from the University of Auckland, New Zealand


On Dec. 24, researcher Xu Gang from the University of Auckland, New Zealand was invited to this School and gave a special academic report on "Properties and Applications of Vector Solitons in Kerr Resonator" at the Online Tencent Meeting. The presentation was presided over by Prof. Huang Tianye, and many teachers from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Department of Communication and more than 100 graduate students attended the presentation.

Xu Gang, Ph.D., is a researcher at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and a selected candidate of Hubei Talent Program. Dr. Xu Gang has been working on nonlinear optics, ultrafast optics, optical solitons and optical frequency combs for a long time, has published more than 30 papers in Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters and other well-known journals in recent years, has been rated as highlight paper by the American Physical Society (APS) and the Optical Society of America (OSA) three times, has participated in writing three English professional books of Springer and Wiley Publishing House, and has completed the French National Research Fund project and the research project of Royal New Zealand Academy of Sciences as a key member.


In the study of photonics, dissipative solitons, as an optically bound structure that behaves as a persistent presence, are the basis for many applications from ultrashort pulse-locked lasers to microcavity resonant optical frequency combs. In the report, Dr. Xu Gang first summarized the development status of dissipative solitons and optical comb in passive resonator, and then focused on the first experimental observation of polarization spontaneous symmetry breaking phenomenon of dissipative solitons in Kerr resonator recently: in the passive and coherently driven nonlinear fiber ring, the cavity solitons excited by two orthogonal polarization degenerate modes designed by the team would spontaneously break its symmetry under completely symmetrical working conditions; finally, a stable polarization state with mirror asymmetry was formed, which revealed the broad application prospect of this phenomenon. On the one hand, it could be applied to the storage and deletion of polarization multiplexed high-speed information data; on the other hand, based on this principle, a high-performance random number generator was developed, whose working bandwidth and randomness of generated data are ahead of the current international standards.

Dr. Xu Gang's presentation was an in-depth and very professional introduction to the properties and applications of vector solitons in Kerr resonator, and brought the latest academic information.